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DIGI MOBILE - Extortion Evidence for the "failed" Action too

Athanasios Laspopoulos
DIGI MOBILE - The full truth about the "failed" Action

My reference to the first article that we sent regarding the action
on Digi Mobile seems to have touched a raw nerve.

We received a barrage of complaints and questions relating to this
highly publicized action, which apparently no one knows what exactly
happened and it was just lost in the ether. Everybody acts like it
never existed and nobody seems to talk about it any more.

Well, gentlemen of Information Society SA, let me inform you that
there are many small and medium-sized entrepreneurs who are indignant
and who you ignore and mock. They are the same people that have spent
money because you told them to and then you could not care less.

We received evidence which we publish (attached), indicating that
suspicious things happened and there has been an attempt to conceal
and cover up the facts and reasons that led to the cancellation
of the action.

We promise to unveil them and publicise what really happened
and we will help those businesses that submitted applications
and spent money in order to claim them.

For further information, please contact me at +30 2103223788.

If you are not responsible for the matter, please forward this email
to the people you consider relevant.

If you have not received the previous articles or you would like to
download them in editable format (Word .doc) for publication purposes,
please visit the following link:

Feel free to share this with content and attachments with friends via email and social media,
in an attempt of helping us fight corruption and spread the word about this to everyone.

Athanasios D. Laspopoulos

Nikis 24, Syntagma
Athens, Greece
(+30) 2103223788
(+30) 6948943771

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